Web and Portal Development | Zenstrom | Leonard Daume

Web and Portal Development | Zenstrom

Freelance Web Developer and Consultant
LGE Energy Berlin GmbH // Zenstrom (100% Remote / Berlin)


In my role as a consultant for LGE Energy Berlin GmbH, I am responsible for the implementation of a website and a portal. My tasks include advising on the selection of suitable technologies and platforms, structuring and organizing the website and portal, defining requirements, implementing security measures, coding, commissioning, quality assurance, and training the client.


  • Evaluation of the provided design
  • Consulting on the selection of suitable technologies and platforms
  • Recommendations on the structure and organization of the website and portal
  • Assistance in defining requirements
  • Implementation of security measures
  • Implementation and coding of the website and portal
  • Commissioning of the system
  • Conducting regular meetings and workshops
  • Quality assurance and function check
  • Training the client
  • Recommendations on maintenance and updates


The work is carried out in close coordination with the client, including regular meetings and workshops to review the progress of the project. Thorough quality assurance and function checks are carried out to ensure that the website and portal meet the client’s requirements. In addition, training is provided for the client to ensure smooth management and effective use of the website and portal. The project is being realized using the Kanban methodology to optimize the workflow and increase efficiency.

Tools / Technologies

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Astro (SSR & CSR)
  • PWA (Progressive Web Apps)
  • Workbox
  • React
  • Svelte
  • Vitest
  • Cypress
  • Traefik
  • AWS S3
  • PostgreSQL
  • MariaDB
  • ArangoDB
  • CI/CD - Woodpecker CI
  • Slack
  • Hubspot