Software Craftsman & DevOp - SEO | Leonard Daume

Software Craftsman & DevOp - SEO

Software Craftsman | DevOp


As an experienced software craftsman and DevOp, I successfully completed a project that involved developing a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins and Docker, extracting data using Spark and Hadoop, and implementing automated acceptance testing. With my deep understanding of software development methodologies and modern technologies, I was able to design and implement an HTML parser with XPath that allowed effective structuring of 750 million data per country. I also extended and rebuilt an HTML crawler that enabled efficient data extraction using Spark and Hadoop for 200 million seeds. I also built a PaaS using Apache Mesos, Marathon, and AWS Route 53, and created automated acceptance tests for an existing SaaS tool. Finally, I created a status dashboard using Play to provide visibility into the project’s status.

My “You Build It, You Run It” methodology means that I am responsible not only for building the software, but also for ensuring that the implementation is effective and runs smoothly.


  • ”You Build It, You Run It” CI/CD pipeline build with Jenkins and Docker.
  • Requirements analysis, conception, design, implementation and operation of an HTML parser using XPath.
  • Extract structured data ( 750 million per country) and make it available as an API
  • Extend/build an html crawler for data extraction with Spark and Hadoop for 200 million seeds
  • PaaS build using Apache Mesos, Marathon, and AWS Route 53-Create automated acceptance tests for an existing SaaS tool.
  • Status dashboards with Play


  • ”You Build It, You Run It”

Tools / Technologies

  • Java
  • RxJava
  • Play Framework
  • Scala
  • Groovy
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Spark
  • Hadoop
  • Nutch
  • Tika,Swagger
  • SBT
  • Memcached
  • Ehcache
  • Infinispan
  • MySQL 5.7.x
  • JOOQ
  • AnrangoDB
  • Bash,CSV
  • Guice
  • Mockito
  • Cucumber
  • Jenkins
  • Git
  • Docker
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • Markdown