Software Architecture Consulting for Start-ups | Leonard Daume

Software Architecture Consulting for Start-ups

Software Architect and Consultant


As a software architect for the start-up, I was responsible for advising on basic questions such as technology stack, criteria for hiring software developers, possibilities of outsourcing, budgeting, scaling strategies, and best practices. A particular focus was on product consulting and UI/UX design as the start-up is still in a very early stage of foundation.


  • Requirements Gathering
  • Technology Stack Selection
  • Architecture Design
  • Development Environment Setup
  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance & Upgrades
  • Consulting on Hiring Developers and UI/UX Designers
  • Product consulting in the early founding phase of the start-up


The consultation was carried out a coupl sessions and included both software engineering topics such as general architecture and developer profiles, as well as a strong focus on product consulting and UI/UX design. This approach has contributed to the start-up having a solid foundation for the development of their SaaS platform for assessing and managing AI risks.

Tools / Technologies

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Node.js
  • React
  • MongoDB
  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS cognito | auth0
  • AWS Cloudwatch
  • AWS API Gateway