Reengineering - SMS Processing | Leonard Daume

Reengineering - SMS Processing

Software Developer Enterprise Java
dtms GmbH (Hamburg)


As a Software Developer Enterprise Java, I was tasked with scaling an existing SMS processing system from 40 SMS per second to at least 700 SMS per second, while also adding new features such as a word filter and an SMS ticker.

My activities included reengineering the existing system as well as conceiving, designing, and implementing the new features. An iterative and incremental method was applied to enable step-by-step development.

The result was a successful scaling of the system to at least 700 SMS per second as well as the integration of the new features, which enable improved SMS processing and filtering.


  • Reengineering
  • Conception, design and implementation


  • iterative incremental

Verwendete Tools / Technologien

  • Java 7
  • Wicket 1.4
  • JPA
  • Hibernate
  • Google Guice
  • Jersey JAX-RS
  • Tomcat
  • MySQL
  • TestNG
  • Maven,Subversion
  • Jenkins
  • Nexus
  • Eclipse
  • Jira
  • Twiki