The iPhone development begins | Leonard Daume

The iPhone development begins

Inhaber / Software Developer


In summary, as the owner and software developer, I was responsible for the conception, design, and implementation of the entire software for my own multi-touch game application. The app required precise finger tracking and became progressively faster and more challenging, involving two points moving in different directions.

To create a successful app, I used iterative, incremental methods and a prototyping model to continually improve and troubleshoot. The app was developed on the iOS platform using the Objective-C and JSON programming languages. I also used the cocos2d framework to create the graphical elements and animations of the app.


  • Konzeption, Design und Implementierung der gesamten Software


  • iterativ inkrementell
  • Prototypen-Modell

Verwendete Tools / Technologien

  • iOS
  • Objective-C
  • JSON
  • cocos2d